TROUBLESHOOTING MY DEVICE IS UNABLE TO LOCATE THE SOUND SYSTEM Check that the button on your mirror is lit up If it is lit up but the mirror is not detected switch the Sound system off once and restart the system If necessary switch off your device and try connecting it again It may take up to 2 minutes to establish the connection If you exceed the range from the Sound system as specified by the manufacturer of your replay device this may lead to dropouts or breaks in transmission of the music signal As Sound cannot be linked via Bluetooth to more than one device at the same time ensure that there are no links to any other devices WHY IS THE INITIAL VOLUME SOMETIMES VERY QUIET OR VERY LOUD WHEN I SWITCH THE SYSTEM ON The playback device stores the most recently used volume setting Before switching on the sound system check that your device is set to the appropriate volume 18

Vorschau Soundbroschüre Seite 18
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